
EXP3 Informal Marking Schedules

EXP3 Links

Google Sketchup:
Coca-Cola Headquarter: 
Coca-Cola Stairs and Elevator: 
Facebook and Details (Elevator+Frame, Interior Elevator, Steps): 
The Bridge and Meeting Point: 
References (furnitures):

Executive office chair

Conference table 20 ft with chairs

Interluebke Studimo bookshelf

Molteni & C Still Sofa

EXP3 Final Submission

Image Captured



Coca-Cola > The Bridge > The Meeting Point

Facebook > The Bridge > The Meeting Point


EXP3 Development of Ideas

The Headquarters

  • linear, geometric form >> makes visual reference with the website's profiles, photos, and web layout
  • elongated, out-stretched structure >> refers to Facebook's worldwide popularity of extending across boarders and eventually bringing people together as one
  • the elevator (stone platform) >> stone material links to the surrounding landform and the walls of the connecting tunnel
  • the elevator (white square rings) >> symbolically represent the artificial / man-made social networking world, which points to the technological advancement of the time


  • fluid, transformative (in motion) form >> makes visual reference with the Coca-Cola bottle and their signature trade mark
  • open space, little overhead shelter >> refers to the company's strength and successful development through history
  • the elevator >> sphere like with red glass panels 

The Bridge + The Meeting Point

  • CONCEPT: bringing two extraordinary powers together in which they provide help and support for one another
  • simplistic, linear structure >> leveled, clear structure, functional decorations / patterns (i.e. diagonal sheets acts as slumps that connects the main bridge to the meeting point)
  • use of glass >> semi-transparent, suggests the vague yet strong linkage between the companies